Under the guise of "preventing an alcohol epidemic", a special interest group (the National Beer Wholesalers Association) has convinced a couple of congressmen to introduce HR-5034. For more information on this bill from Wine Spectator click here. The bill was introduced by representatives Bill Delahunt (D Mass), Mike Quigley (D Ill.), Howard Coble (R N.C.), and Jason Chaffetz (R Utah). If they represent you, perhaps you want to think twice this November. Amazing that Democrats and Republicans will work together on this, but they can't find a way to work together on Healthcare Reform or Financial reform.
Another good blog on the bill can be found at Vinography.
I don't know about you, but I don't want my rights limited to line the pockets of distributors. Please reach out to your congressman and ask them not to support this bill. Here is a link to find and write your congressman.
By the way I borrowed the neat cartoon and the political adage from a real blogger, Jeff Lefevere. You can catch him at Good Grape: A Wine Manifesto.